Can I skip the application deployment when reprovisioning an environment?

Yes, it is possible.

By default, after a reprovision, MyST will automatically deploy all of the previously deployed applications. But, if you wish to skip automatic re-deployment of all previously deployed applications after a platform reprovision you can clear the application cache.

The application cache can be cleared for all platform instances by executing the following:

  1. Connect to the MyST repository via a MySQL client and run use fusioncloud
  2. Clear the application cache for all instances with: delete from platform_instance_artifact_property;

For a pre-5.5 version of MyST run the following instead:

delete from platform_instance_artifact;

If you wish to clear the application cache for a specific platform instance you can run the following:

  1. Connect to the MyST repository via a MySQL client and run use fusioncloud
  2. Select the instance which you wish to clear the application cache on. This can be achieved by first finding the external_id on the page url. For instance, if the Platform Instance page URL is\#/platform-instances/f7f23a3d-1a54-420d-bde1-5eecbda8f3c5 then the external_id is f7f23a3d-1a54-420d-bde1-5eecbda8f3c5 and we can use that to find the internal id with select ID from PLATFORM_INSTANCE where external_id='f7f23a3d-1a54-420d-bde1-5eecbda8f3c5';
  3. Once we have the internal ID, we can remove all of the PLATFORM_INSTANCE_ARTIFACT records for that given platform instance. For instance if our platform_instance_id is 1, we would run delete from PLATFORM_INSTANCE_ARTIFACT where platform_instance_id=1;

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